Dobby Weave Samples

Proposed interior application of swatches 

Handweaving Projects 

Monument of Tree 
Woven with Cotton, Copper Wire. HDye painted with MX dye
Detail Shots
Digital Water
30x30 inches

Knitted Projects
Knitted Floor Cushion made on double bed Silver Reed knitting machine. 100% Hand Dyed cotton. (2024) 

A Space For Play, 25 inch diameter

Knitted Garment made entirely on Silver Reed knitting machine. Elegance meets casual in form loosely inspired by Korean hanbok.  (2023)

Garment made entirely of cotton and rayon. Includes hand seamed knit lining. Can be worn tied close at side or hanging open
Knit Swatches
All swatches knitted on single bed Silver Reed knitting machine.

Inspired by colonial houses of providence. 17”x26”
1/2 of garden inspired diptych. 13.5”x26”
2/2 of garden inspired diptych. 13”x23”
American Revolution inspired swatch using vertical transfers. 14”x8.5”

3 yard repeat print on hand dyed cotton muslin
Engineered Print. MX Dye and discharge print paste 
Detail shot of Pattern
3 yard repeat print on hand dyed cotton muslin
1 yard print on hand dyed cotton muslin
Pattern Design
Series of repeat patterns designed in Adobe Photoshop and NedGraphics. 

1/2 of patterns designed for home interiors, focusing on childhood and interaction with light
Pattern applied as lamp shade on hand crafted lamp
Pattern applied on hand crafted curtains
Detail shot of curtains
2/2 of patterns designed for home interiors, focusing on childhood and interaction with light
Fine Art
Series of drawings done exploring mark making and ephemerality of light in nature, culminating in 2 imagined landscapes

48x72” Landscape 2. Charcoal and Ink
48x60” Landscape 1. Charcoal and Ink
Light 18”x24”. Ink
Dark 18”x24”. Charcoal
Sketchbook observation drawings 8”x10”

4 model houses made out of collaged photographs and printed on vellum and then illuminated with lights. This project was an exploration on the ephemerality of memory and the ways we archive and remember past expeirences and people.